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I was a little boy when I used to find my grandmother, in the big kitchen, preparing pizza or pasta every Sunday morning. If I close my eyes, I can still feel the smell of the dough! At that time I could not imagine that food preparation would become a great passion for me.


In the sunny South of Italy, I learned to cook following the Mediterranean inspiration and tradition that I brought with me when I moved to Holland. I discovered myself as a real food lover with a keen interest in ingredients and in the infinite possibilities to experiment, combine and process them. In the last years, I focused mainly on leavening and backing techniques driven by the wish to prepare and eat a perfect Neapolitan pizza at home. 


Today, thanks to my professional portable oven I enjoy baking pizza everywhere and even if the process of baking is a little bit slower the result is always excellent. Eventually, my love for conviviality and the wish to share nice food experience with as many people, convinced me to embark in this new project. 


If I should choose a quote to describe myself, probably it would be this:


“I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious.” 



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The beautiful hill of Gunì overlooking the Jonian sea. Calabria, South Italy.



PiccoloFornoVinz - Haarlem


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